The Tokyo Chamber Opera Theatre

The Tokyo Chamber Opera Theatre was founded in 1969 by five leading persons of the Japanese Opera:Hiroshi Wakasugi (conductor), Masayoshi Kuriyama and Reiji Mitani (both stage directors), Ryosuke Hatanaka (singer, administrative director, who also carried out his mission of the first artistic director of the New National Theatre Tokyo), and Murao Sugita, a patron of the artists. This unique company has produced during its history a big number of chamber operas always in good collaboration with the artists of all the fields: conductors, singers, instrumentalists, composers, stage directors and designers. Among our more than hundred of past productions many masterpieces can be found, and they are often the pieces which have not been introduced for many years in Japan, or which are newly created operas by the Japanese artists. Many honorable prizes are also given to the company — Suntory Music Award, Giraud Opera Award, National Arts Festival Excellence Award — for its constancy of activity focused on a high-quality production that both critics and the audience could appreciate. Our tours and participation to the festivals abroad include Israel International Festival, ISCM (International Society for Contemporary Music) of Korea, Festival Japan-2001 in England, Moscow State Chamber Musical Theatre, The Hermitage Theatre of St. Petersburg, and many co-productions with various countries. We will continue, as we have done it until today, the high-level realization of the chamber opera, because we strongly believe that our objective of giving the real joy of opera to all the world audience, introducing even unknown masterpieces and at the same time improving the advantages of the Japanese culture, will certainly lead us to the discovery of the new possibilities of theatre arts of today.